we finally fulfilled our wish to go ice-skating! it's definitely been a while since any of us ice-skated! we were all clumsy at first but we managed to pick up our pace :) it was 16bucks for 2 hours of ice-skating, 4 bucks was for the skates which were really stinking up fyi.
jade dear looking pretty as always & jess buddy making spastic faces as always. haha.
candid shot...duno why i look troubled...lol, and "paul frank" is acting cute at the back!
group hugs! love my dearies!!!!
feets UNITE! only fion's leg stands out!
taking a break :)
jade all serious while skating :)
oh no! i forgt to wish fion happy birthday! i must remember to wish her in the morning! anyway, ahh, feeling all sad & excited for her coming departure to the land of the Aussies. i think she's gonna have the experience of a lifetime yet we're all gonna miss her so, so much!! she used to be my table buddy in lower sec and my best friend in swiss, we went to choir together and did everything together! i remember we'd use to complain about mrs lim(our choir teacher) and hang out in class during recess breaks, completely skipping lunches, no wonder i was only 39kg back then. lol. i think we became known as the quiet, gentle and demure pair back then, especially for fiona cause she just has that kind and sweet appearance about her. she's such a sweetheart and she's grown to be a pretty and v motherly woman. lucky qr! i'm sure she'd do well in aust! so proud that she got a scholarship to study in Aust! i think occupational therapy is meant for her, she just has so much compassion for people and i can already imagine her helping out patients in the hospital :)
it sure has been a great 9 years of friendship for all of us! my swiss girl group will always remain the closest to my heart. they've really been there for me each step of the way, through good times and bad. we have done so many things together, for each other & we've also shared with each other our secrets and burdens. if i ever marry, they would no doubt be one of my brides maids :) haha. because i know they will carry my wedding train without complaints, but that's beside the point. it's cause i consider them my closest "sisters" (other than my real sis of corz). love them so much! and yes, i love you too, sarah!