Thursday, July 16, 2009

a day out

a day out blading by the beach! what a great day :)

we were so lazy, we almost didn't make it for our roller blading outing! thank goodness we went cause the weather was good and all! the only downside was that lilian hurt herself while going down this incredibly steep slope, but she handled it amazingly a "superwoman warrior"! As myrna would say...rawr! she is one tough gal, picked herself right up even though it was a really large and quite bloody abrasion. hope it doesn't hurt too much and she'll be able to run on sunday!

the power woman blading :) she looks sporty with her nike shirt!

the wind was in our faces, which explains why our hair was in a state of mess :S

we slacked at the hawker centre and drank a refreshing cup of sugar cane drink!

It was a fun and a rejuvenating day for us, worked out a bit (very slightly la, considering we slacked a bit in the 2 hrs we were given, lol). It's always fun hanging out with Lilian, i think she's a great woman and someone i look up to, someone who's always fervent for the Lord despite going through so much. She's been giving my bible study for a while now, even though she's so busy with tuition and all, availed herself so willingly to teach my the Word. I am greatly thankful and i think we've grown closer these past few months. Lilian, if you read this, THANK YOU SO SO MUCH! You're such a dear to me and i love ya loads! I think you have so much beauty, both inside and out, your strong character, your optimism, your discipline, your self-sacrificing ways, your humour, etc... i'm sure God will see it and He will bless you back in ways that you could only have dreamed of :) Let's continue to press on! *hugs*

after which, i went to meet char, shawn, sean, yh, brenda & a young girl, shucks, i can't quite remember her name though. anyway, we went to catch Harry potter and the half-blood prince! it was good but not the best. that's all i hafta say. but i can't complain cause i am a fan of Harry no matter what. and i'm still sad that Dumbledore had to die! thank goodness in this movie, he's less irritating. someone must have complained that the new dumbledore was abit too hyperactive for a man of 150. -_-" he became abit more serious in this movie, guess it's cause it's his last appearance and you can't expect a man who's predicting his own death to be quite so optimistic, can he?

Feets together! ahh! i'm the oddball with the slippers :S

my wonderful church mates :)

i'm the da jie of the group! (meaning i'm the oldest :( sobs)

found this in the cam :) had dinner with Alvin the other night at old town white coffee, he ordered maggi mee! lol, -_-" might as well stayed at home to eat instant noodles! i could have cooked for him lo! not that my chicken hor fun soup was any better actually. Anyway, it was just a short meal after work to just talk and catch up. wanted to return the cam too! but i accidentally kept it in my bag and forgot to return him!!! my gosh. i'm soooo forgetful!

and no, this did not happen on the same day. i'm not superwoman, i can't do so many things at once. though sometimes i do wish i could, imagine all the things i could accomplish. for one, i could have studied more. okay. i'm a nerd. period.