my workplace! the coolest corporate building in the cbd area.
it's been 3 weeks since i've started work. the first day was a complete utter HELL for me. it was stress at a whole new level and it was beyond bearable. staring at the huge file and the incredible stack of alien-looking documents for hours and hours without knowing how to go about looking for the needed information was scary. i hated the feeling of not knowing what to do and where to look. by the end of the day, i felt utterly and downright stupid. even though i was meeting my friends after work, it was hard to control the overwhelming and uncontrollable feelings inside. i broke down completely on the first day and quitting seemed like such a beautiful option.
of course, it's been weeks since the first day. and work has certainly picked up from there. because life can only go up once you've reached the lowest point. now that i've gotten the hang of things, i'm slowly appreciating my job and the challenges that come along with it. i always thought that work would be so much less stressful than studies because there's no exams. but work comes with a new set of stress and worries:
1. Time management and making sure that you work darn efficiently. because afterall, now we are essentially selling our time and expertise.
2. Making sure you check your work double, triple times so you don't make stupid mistakes
3. Multi-tasking. apart from your own set of work load, there's the huge amount of administrative and often irritaing things to clear. CHECK EMAIL CONSTANTLY.
4. office politics and making sure you don't offend anyone. and remember to be neutral about every thing. (of course, as a new joiner, i'm not really sensing the office politics yet but i do thread on broken egg shells everyday)
but life at work is not without fun. my buddies at work are awesome and we've already planned chill out sessions after work at timbre :) they are my source of joy and they are the pulling factor for me to go to work every single day. we chat on instant messaging, we sometimes go to the pantry to makan on the bisuits and drink milo, we disturb each other at the respective desks once in a while and we lunch together at so many different places. they are a funny and very helpful bunch. Especially my closest buddies Hazel & HJ, who work alongside me and as HJ says CBB(cover backside buddies)!
I truly think God placed them here(in my workplace) to help me through. I am absolutely certain that He has always been nothing but gracious and kind towards me because otherwise, i wouldn't have been so blessed in every aspect of my life. as i look back on all the difficult moments of my life, i don't recall a single time when i felt i was all in it alone. God placed "angels" in strategic places at certain points in time to assist me and guide me through.
God NEVER fails for he is jehovah jireh, my provider.
i love God and his church, the place i grew up and became more and more fond of, CHC!
with that, we just celebrated our 20th anniversary not long ago!
some pictures!

NDP 2009!!!!
Char, Alvin and i drove down to dempsey road to eat thai food at Twandang Microbrewery, a thai cuisine and German brewery. The food was so-so but $$. Guess when you go Dempsey, you're paying for the atmosphere. We met this 2 cool dudes there who were lost and wanted to get to The White Rabbit and so we gave them a ride down. the shorter dude was cute, but too bad he was wearing some latex, leather-ish looking pants that was positively shining in the dark and a very obvious signal that he must be gay. lol.
After which, we rushed down to the highway to view the fireworks up close and the view was fantastic!! Me & Char were going "wahhhh!!!!" every few seconds! hahaha. i felt so happy just seeing the fireworks. it's been a while since i've seen fireworks that close and it was such a gorgeous sight seeing the skyline lit in a burst of light.
We then headed down to Mt Faber , Emerald Lodge to eat desserts. Fantastic view too! we rode along the east coast area and got a mini tour around the east with our friendly guide, Alvin. lol.
It was a fantastic night with great sceneries and beautiful fireworks. loved it! Thanks char and alvin for the great company :)

Hangover movie!

caught this movie 2 weeks ago. super funny. one of the best comedies i've watched in a long while.
when wp first intro-ed me the movie, i was like...
"why did you change the movie from public enemies to hangover??!!! %$&&Y@"
"i read that the movie's very funny and got good ratings"
"But i wanna watch my JOHNNY DEPP!!!! %@$%!"
wasn't too happy about the last minute change of movie, but luckily it turned out good. so much better than i expected. so i was cool. lol.
EVERYONE, GO WATCH IT!! if it's still showing....haha.