Fion's Birthday at Indulgz! (19th July 2008)

Me, Jie Shan & Fion met up at INDULGZ restaurant, at Tan Qwee Lan Street, to celebrate Fion's 21st birthday!!
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY GIRL!!I got Fion to put on the pink fluffy tiara i bought for her, so pretty right?! Together with the lovely bouquet of roses, she was picture perfect, all ready to be the next Miss Congeniality! Hehe.

The glass water came in this glass bottles, the waitresses took like 15-20mins just to get us our glasses of water!! Did they really have to climb up to the mountains to collect spring water for us? Gosh, the service was soo inefficient.

I ordered the
Wild Thyme & Crabmeat Soup, it was tasty at the first bite and it came with a breadstick. But it got a bit too jelat for me and the breadstick was a tad too hard for my liking. There were plenty of crabmeat inside though, in case you are a crab lover, you might like this dish. It cost about 7.80bucks.

Look at all our gorgeously wrapped gifts! My ah-hem beautifully handmade card, my wonderfully wrapped Hula&Co dress & F21 wallet, our Topshop bag & Sung's and Mich's Elizabeth Arden Green Tea perfume!

Chicken Bolognaise Melted Cheese Fries ($8.50) & Flaming Pasta ($19.80)
Yes, the pasta was literally flaming.
What do i mean??! See below inserts for pictorial description.

The waitress came up to our table with a glass of white wine & a lighter. She litted the glass of wine and subsequently poured the flaming mixture into the plate of pasta, I thought it would be like a burst of orange flames but what we got was....

Where's the flame?? There! It's there! Open your eyes and peer harder! Iwill not be responsible for any deteoriation of eyesight though. See the non-luminous flame, the blue colour light on the pasta?? Yupz, that's it. Lolx. So much for FLAMING pasta -_-" Harlow??!! I was expecting something like those hawker centres where they fry char kway tiao, you sometimes get to see the burst of orange flames as they pour oil into the wok, so much for the dramatic name can! And the wine made the pasta very wine-y and a tad oily. Surprisingly, all the tables around us ordered the same dish! It was kinda funny seeing 2 waitresses trying to lit the glass of wine, they looked abit like circus performers, but instead of doing some really cool act like ermm...juggling balls of fire, they were setting fire on pastas. hurhur.

Cake session! We got her the American cheesecake from Goodwood Park Hotel :) but by the time it was served to her, it was in quite a pathetic state, with the berries dropping out and all. Really sorry! The hours of having to carry the cake about had resulted in the less than appealing appearance of an otherwise good (and expensive) cake!
I was filled to the brim! We then headed down to Haji Lane for a short walk and passed a bar with lotsa people gathering in groups for a smoke of shee-shaw! Ah! I miss the days of smoking shee-shaw back in Canada! The exotic arabic quality of it all!
Sarah's Baptism! (20th July)
Congrats dear girl on your baptism and new life in the Lord! I am so proud of you dearie, you have changed so much in this period of time and it's all for the better! I'm so glad that you've found your purpose and aim in life, continue growing in Christ and be a good girl!

I was the photographer for the day! Haha, it wasn't my day, but since it's my blog, i shall just be abit selfish and add in a completely useless photo just cause it has me in it, or at least my back!

The whole family! Okie, my brother didn't come along...and my dad, aiyo, soo embarrassing can? He was so engrossed in using the SLR, he started taking pictures of the fountain at church, the plants, the greenery instead of my sis!! *faints* Can you imagine if my sister wants to look back on the photographs from her baptisim, she sees only the church building, the fountain and the green plants on chc rooftop??!!

KH's Birthday Celebration at Cineleisure! (21st July)
I treated kehang to Japanese pasta at Cineleisure Orchard, bill came up to $45.80, relatively cheap considering the last time he treated me to the Brazilian restaurant at Sixth Avenue, it costed aound 40bucks for 1 pax :S Due time i paid him back for all the treats he's been giving us and all the late night suppers, he claims there's alot but honestly i think i can count them with my fingers. We then caught "Wanted" (the movie with the adulterous, husband-stealing ANGELINA JOLIE!!) with PC and Masaaki, who were so late they didn't manage to eat dinner.

Wanted was ridiculously UNREALISTIC! i realised i've been criticising every single thing, but it's a fact! I mean bullets that can go 360 degrees???! No Kidding...Cars that can flip over other cars and still land in one perfect piece?! Lying in a pool covered with wax is a treatment to injuries?!! (HARLOW?!! THEN I LIE IN A POOL OF CHOCOLATE, WILL I BE CURED FROM SOME TERMINAL DISEASE??!!!)
Though, i have to admit Angelina Jolie is super hot in the movie and that's coming from someone who hates her...the movie was all action packed and the storyline was kinda expected. It was an average movie, maybe i should i have caught Dark Knight, which everyone has been giving good ratings for.
Poor KH was straining his eyes throughout the whole movie though, cause he got whacked in the eye during a soccer game the day before. And his eyes being his biggest asset and his "bread bowl" as his is a pilot, he panicked when his vision became blur, so he quickly went to see an eye doctor and they gave him eye drops that dilated his pupils and caused his vision to blur and become foggy. His eyes were like blood red, it looked abit creepy.... By the end of the show, not one but both his eyes were red..we were still joking that we could put a bottle cap or Salonplus on his eye to cover it up so he wouldn't look so creepy and pervatic (corz he was squinting and staring at everyone, some girl even thought he was checking her out, lolx).
After the movie, we headed down to Swensons to grab dinner (for PC & Masaaki who were starving) and gossiped about hall and PC (a-hem). As we headed back to our cars, a bird shit dropped on KH!! OMG, karma karma karma, alwayz suaning people! Super funny, we were walking quite closely and of all places, it fell right on his sleeve! Smart bird, lolx. Kidding kidding, if he sees this, he's surely gona whack me.
The highlight of the day was when we headed home and PC drove me & Masaaki back. OMG. We nearly died. He came out of Cainhill carpark and turned left. After turning left, there were two ways to go, either left or right so i just conveniently said left. So as PC took the left side road, we saw an oncoming car coming from the right! Masaaki and I then exclaimed and laughed in relief, " OMG!! Heng arhz! Luckily we didn't turn right man!!" The next thing we know...a white vehicle suddenly came head on with PC's car!! SHIT!! We were in the wrong direction on a one way road!!!! wth!!! Luckily the white vehicle had time to react and quickly slowed down, or we would have just collided. Masaaki, PC and i would then be on the front page news of the Straits Times Home Section - "Stupid NTU Undergads turn in wrong direction on one way Orchard street leading to head on collusion with unexpecting driver"! The poor driver must have gotten a shock, what the heck were these buncha kids driving in the opposite direction right in the middle of orchard road!! Retards.
I then asked PC a very important question...
"How long have you been driving??????"
"Since i was 18..."and now he's 24...
Don't worry, i wont tell anyone else, lolx.
Didn't take any pictures cause i didn't bring my camera this time round, slpt too late the previous night trying to rush my PA report. But here's a few pics of my friends at hall 16, gosh, i'm sure gonna miss staying in hall :S