i met up with quite a few people last week and yes, i FINALLY saw beatrice!! Finally after soooooo long! She's my long, long primary school friend and because we both went overseas, i haven't seen her for almost half a year! and this the the first time since i've known her that we didn't celebrate our birthdays together :s i still feel that tiny bit of guilt about missing her 21st birthday corz of my exchange trip. I realised i've missed so many people's birthdays because of my exchange, yikes. I didn't take any pictures that day but i had a fun time shopping with her and listening to her travelling exploits :) Hope to see her again soon soon!
2) SOT Grad & BK's Bday

Yang Hong, Boon Kiat(my cell group leader) and Dan graduated from SOT and after service, we headed down to charmaine's place to do up the lovely cushion for BK :) We shopped for the ingredients for our chocolate fondue and other stuff for the mini buffet we had organised for our dear cg leader.
We had a hilarious surprise "dance" for BK and played a game called "Photo of Fame", whereby a cup was passed around a circle of people while music was being played. When the music stops, the person found holding the cup will have to choose a number from 1-14. Each number represented a photo depicting retarded expressions or supermodel poses. The person then had to imitate the photo and have his/her picture snapped. There were many funny expressions, Boon Kiat's photo was super funny, corz you would never EVER see him do something like that in normal circumstances. And jieyun's managed to make a retarded expression look super glam and ANTM-ish! Too bad the photo's are with dan!

The cushion made from N109's love, sweat and hard effort! And there's the congo drums, or whatever drums you call them, that we used for our surprise Boon Kiat dance!
3) Marcus & Angie's 21 st Birthday Celebration!
We went sushi tei holland v for dinner! I saw John, my ex-boss at s.tei! He's still as roly-poly as before, lolx. He was transferred over to the Taka branch a year back but since the Taka branch is under renovation, he came back to Holland V to help out. I remember he used to be quite a nice boss though not everyone liked him cause he loves slacking alot. I still remember when i was working under him, he told me to go try some drug (shall not name here)!! omg. so liberal can. i didn't know whether to be shocked or to laugh it off at that point in time. what kind of boss tells his subordinates to try out drugs?!! and his already a father too! man. i wouldn't be surprised if his children ended up sniffing glue at the age of 10.
Everyone at S.Tei has changed. Most of the chefs have left for other branches, even the good-looking one too (i forgot his name though, ah chen? ah chan? ah, whatever.) The chef, who liked me previously, has gone too but a uncle i recognised was still there and he treated us to my fave food at S.Tei - Sashimi Salad!!! YAY!! Truly the benefits of working at S.Tei!
Anw, back to my JC gathering, lolx, i realised i sidetracked a lil'. There were 9 of us altogether, and timo has been really participative recently! I'm always seeing him at our gatherings already! Haha, he's become so much more ONz and he is still so farnie with all his bimbo actions and my gosh, his knowledge of Project Runway and all the models is incredible. better than a girl i bet. i would almost think he was gay if i didn't know he was timo. haha.
We then went to Hagen Daz to eat chocolate fondue (for the second time in a week), together with Angie, who met up with us slightly later!! The chocolate fondue was 43.90 bucks! But it had generous scoops of ice cream balls, fruits, cookies, sponge cakes and love letters. Yum yum. We gossiped about NTU's infamous "Huang Shang" scandal and Sompong's supposedly, expectedly but not so quite as "hot" SP, lolx. And not forgetting timo's hilarious actions and comments!
04s63 rox my socks!!
4) Jin Cheng's 21st birthday!
Look at the blown-up life-size picture of Jin Cheng!! Lolx, it was placed right at his doorstep, very conspicuous indeed. Even the taxi driver who brought me there got a shock, haha. And it was fun taking pictures with it, the weird thing is....the life-size photo was so large, it was even taller than the REAL jin cheng!
The buffet supplied was good, apparantly it was from four seasons hotel and JC even hired a bbq man to do -duh- bbq-ing of the bicken wings, satays, yakitori, etc. Real delicious. JC is one rich guy la. his bro even bought huge speakers for his birthday party, and there were disco lights and turntables too for dj-ing!
We played a game of "who know's Jin Cheng best" and we got.....the....LAST. haha. seems like our knowledge isn't that much, we got 16 out of 21 questions right though!
And i saw Jacob(a NTU friend) as well as Kammy(a pri sch mate) there!! THE WORLD IS SOOOO SMALLL!!!! Now what are the chances of seeing them in the same gell group as my secondary school friend!!! Apparantly, quite very high!
We were goofing around with the huge board!
Haha. DJ SAndra in the house! I was hard at work k! HEaring the transition between the music and well, basically making a mess out of the records. lolx.